August 20, 2011

Seplawan Cave

Goa Seplawan is one cave that is located in Purworejo district. This cave is located in the border district cluster notch hill Purworejo and Kulon Progo Donorejo precisely located in the village, district Kaligesing about 20 miles east of downtown Purworejo and being around 700 meters from the sea surface.

Seplawan Goa is a relic of the past history of civilization, as evidenced by the discovery of a 22-carat gold statue as high as 9 cm with a weight of 1.5 kg .. on August 15, 1979 was in one corner of the cave
Kencana statue is a statue of a pair of men and women who were holding hands. Experts archaeologists believe that the statue is of Lord Shiva and goddess Parvati. Arca is a relic in the days of Hindu Shiva. Now the statue is kept in the National Museum. Instead, the government built a replica of the statue in front of the mouth of the cave, the replica was larger than the actual.

Some historians also claim that around Goa Seplawan the antiquity ever lived by the Queen or King because it found a Linga Yoni symbolizes fertility and prosperity.
In addition to having the privilege as prehistoric sites around Goa Seplawan Natural Charm is beautiful and soothing extend there is also another feature that is the beauty of the cave Seplawan itself. Goa ornaments that have a very beautiful and amazing as the stalactite and stalagmite with varied sizes. Other ornaments were not less interesting, such as Flow stone, helektit, soda straw, gowerdam and others.
One of the more interesting things that in the cave there is a refreshing source of water which contained telaganya On top of an ancient inscription that reads Saplo employees who have a sense saplu: sacred. wan: a man who can interpret the holy man or a place to purify human beings. there is a growing mystical story whoever washing face with water in the cave seplawan and have good intentions with full keiklasan pray god willing, will soon be Answered to desire.

Goa has a long Seplawan approximately about 500 Meters, while the branches of the cave around 150-300 meters. Special pathway for the visitors already there lighting the lamp, while for branches cave lights are not installed because of the muddy conditions.
Location Seplawan Goa tourism is very easy to accomplish because the access road for four-wheeled vehicles can reach the site easily and is equipped with facilities and infrastructures facilities such as vehicle parking, bathroom / WC, a simple small Mosque, Gashebo, Substation Pandang, Hall for Staging / Meeting and also there are flower gardens are beautiful.

Location seplawan Goa is also very possible for Nature Lovers training is evidenced by frequent training of some nature lovers who berasaldari different regions
Natural Enchantment Seplawan around Goa also has a camping site camping ground or a fairly broad and allows for a camping trip.
Scenery around the cave is very beautiful seplawan besides air was cool as well as the region located at an altitude of about 800 masl. Through viewing post, visitors can see the south coast, the city Krogo Kulon, and Sermo Reservoir. Even if it rises to a hill in the area of the cave, visitors can see Mount Merapi, Mount Merbabu, and Sindoro Sumbing well as Mount Slamet. However, the mountains that can only be seen in the morning. So, many of the visitors that camping in Seplawan so in the morning could see the natural beauty of the area Seplawan it.
When this segment is still dominated by visitors from the young and not infrequently, however Domestic tourists are also being visited by several foreign tourists despite the current location does not yet have the Cave Seplawan Lodging rarely so for a while still staying in the vicinity of Goa Seplawan except for the Camping there.
Not a few people who come to Goa Seplawan to do with Ritual Spiritual meditation there like that in tuturkan Ngudiyo father (former headman Donorejo) that often receive guests tour that has the intent to melkukan Meditation in Goa Seplawan location.
Maybe you are bored and tired with the bustle and hustle and bustle of urban release your fatigue is breathing the fresh air and scenery Beautiful charm melihati Seplawan Goa do not forget to see also the uniqueness of some tourist attractions are also located in the vicinity as well tegasih (dry compassion) denansri spring, watumejo color and beauty of the mountain peaks that extend equipped with village communities in Donorejo Etawa cattle were friendly and polite also agro tourism such as tucked salak plantations, cocoa, and do not miss dishes like fried dawet gembel sengek and unique.
If willing to come follow this route:
From Purworejo - Kec toward Kaligesing through Cangkrep - Brenggong - Plipir - Kaliharjo-Kaligono - Donorejo or using path 44 of the terminal Primkopol Baledono Market Purworejo
From Jogja / Magelang / Godean / Wates: could be through Kenteng Nanggulan direction Jonggrangan jatimulyo - Tlogoguwo - Donorejo.
To guide you notice there are five jikala Cellular Tower that lined the top Gunungkelir mean it is close to the location of Goa Seplawan.

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