Pecel is a favorite food for most people. In the area of Yogyakarta, many found seller of the food. Pecel is a food rich in fiber and high in nutrients, especially sprouts, where thesprouts are very beneficial for women to nourish the womb.
Pecel Recipe Ingredients:
150 g young spinach
150 grams green beans, cut @ 2 cm
150 g young spinach
200 grams of bean sprouts or other types of vegetables
salt according to taste
peanut brittle peanut

Sauce Recipe Pecel:
250 grams of roasted or fried peanuts, roughly chopped
Cayenne pepper 6 pieces
2 red chilies
1 teaspoon chopped galingale
3 cloves garlic
3 kaffir lime leaves
1 teaspoon tamarind
1 / 4 teaspoon shrimp paste
300 ml boiled water
salt and brown sugar according to taste
How to Make Pecel:
Boil separately each of the vegetables, drain.
Sauce pecel: sauteed peppers, galingale, garlic, and lime leaves with 3 tablespoons of cooking oil, drain. Puree with roasted peanuts, give boiled water, stir condensed.Serve vegetables with peanut sauce and peanut brittle.
Peanut brittle peanut: 10 pieces of hazelnut puree roasted / fried, 5 cloves garlic,minced 2 teaspoons galingale, 1 teaspoon coriander and 1 teaspoon of salt.
Mix 200 grams of rice flour, 50 grams of corn starch, spices, 1 egg beaten, stir, pour450 ml of liquid milk, stirring into a smooth dough. Enter the 5 pieces of finely sliced kaffir lime leaves, and 200 grams of beans.
Pour 1 ladle batter on the frying pan. Allow to harden, remove the frying pan with a spoon, take it to the middle, fried in low heat while turned upside down to dry brown.Remove and drain.
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